Couples Competition

  • 3 Minutes.
  • Time begins when the Ra’atira speaks or when the drumming, music or dance begins. Time ends when the last performer finishes his/her performance.
  • The penalty for going over the time limit or under the minimum time limit is 25 points for each 5 minutes beyond the allotted time.


Tamahine & Vahine:

  • Hairpieces and Heipoʻo must be made of natural fibers or flowers.
  • NO silk or plastic flowers or foliage are allowed.
  • Hand held props and Iʻi ARE allowed.
  • Hip bands ARE allowed.
  • The penalty for violating the above outlined COUPLES guidelines is 5 points per infraction.

Tamaroa & Tane:

  • Must perform in pareu, tied tihere or malo style.
  • Leggings may be worn and heipo`o are encouraged.
  • Hairpieces and Heipo`o must be made of natural fibers or flowers.
  • No silk or plastic flowers or foliage are allowed.
  • I`i and other hand-held objects are allowed.
  • The penalty for violating the above outlined COUPLES guidelines is 5 points per infraction.


  • Drop off ipod, iphone, or mobile device for sound/music at the sound station no later than Saturday, February 15th​ at 8:00am for sound test. (No CD's)
  • If music is live please fill out a Sound Stage Requirements Form.
  • Although there is no penalty for pre-recorded drumming and music pieces the judges prefer you to present your piece live.


  • The top 3 couples will be awarded.

Technical Areas:

  • Variety and difficulty of dance steps.
  • Knowledge and execution of traditional steps.
  • Strength and stamina.
  • Dancers must show synchronicity and must be connected at least one time during their routine.

Artistic Areas:

  • Creativity.
  • Facial and body expressions.
  • Stage presence.
  • Interaction of dancers with each other.
  • Interaction of dancers with the audience.


  • Creativity.
  • Appropriateness.
  • Beauty.
  • Ability to dance with costume.
  • Compatibility of Costuming.
  • Couples Competitors may be asked to approach the judges or scoring table.

    You may submit six (6) sets of fact sheets due by registration on Saturday, Feb. 17th, no later than 9:00am. The following must be included:

    • Name of Pupu ʻOri (Group)
    • Name of Raʻatira (Group Director)
    • Name of ʻOteʻa, Aparima, and/or ʻAhuroa piece.
    • Words and translations for each song used.
    • The story or research behind the selection.
    • A brief outline of the choreography, costume, and the theme used.


    • Dressing room is for active dressing for competition ONLY.
    • If your group is interested in setting up a holding area for extra supplies and family please let us know.

    The Overall Winning Couple is the couple who captures the highest score and will be announced on Sunday, February 16th during the Awards Ceremony.